Our Process.

We start the process with a free consultation. In this meeting we can talk about your finances in a casual setting. This meeting can take a variety of different paths. We recommend taking a few minutes before we meet to jot down a few notes about your financial goals or concerns. This will make our meeting more productive and help you get a feel for our firm. Should you want to pursue a working relationship we offer two different services.

Consulting Advice {Hourly Fee}

We will develop a game plan to tackle your financial concerns and develop a path to reach your financial goals. Areas where we may help include:

Our intention is to put you in a position for your finances to be an asset, not a liability.

Investment Management {Asset-Based Fee}

We can develop a portfolio that is in tune with your goals and risk tolerances. We offer two strategies, which offer exposure to the equity and bond markets and can be tailored to your risk preferences. This service also includes any portion of our hourly fee selections.

At Wilson Capital, we earn a fee based on the size of your portfolio or the hours we work together - never a commission from something you "bought." This aligns our interests with our clients; our only incentive is to help you achieve your goals.

Schedule an appointment to understand more about our Investment options.

PDF Link Example

Wilson Capital Fee Schedule 2024

Click the link below to view the document:

Open Wilson Capital Fee Schedule 2024